Business Ethics Resources

Starting Point for Business Ethics Research

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Tuesday, 20 May 2008 19:52

When I was doing literature search for my doctoral dissertation, I had a habit of going to different book stores and asking about their collection of business ethics books. The responses were usually sarcastic questions ranging from “What is that?” to “Is there something like that?” Even these kinds of conversations show how controversial a topic business ethics is.

Spending countless hours of searching online library catalogues and wandering around the library isles, I wanted to have access to a comprehensive and specific source. There are many websites providing information about different aspects of business ethics and related subjects; however, there is not one especially posting information about recent books on business ethics. I had the idea of putting a website together for Business Ethics Resources since then, but I only had the time now after finishing the dissertation.

This website is a trial to collect and share resources on business ethics and related subjects (i.e. work ethic, environmental ethics, bioethics, Protestant work ethic, Muslim work ethic, and corporate social responsibility). If you see a new book published on these subjects, please let me know. Please also share your thoughts with me on how I can improve this website.

Thanks and welcome!

Y. Fahir Zulfikar


Last Updated on Thursday, 29 May 2008 19:24

"Will not knowledge of [the good], then, have a great influence on life? Shall we not, like archers who have a mark to aim at, be more likely to hit upon what is right?"
-Aristotle, Nicomachean Ethics